Cognitive Psychology
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How LibertyBus used customer satisfaction surveys to track their services’ success
In order for LibertyBus to continue improving their services, they needed to ask their customers for feedback on their experience and opinion of all elements of their service, therefore they commissioned 4insight to run an independent annual customer satisfaction survey.
This online customer satisfaction survey was optimised for smartphone/tablet usage, which was supplemented by bus station interviews in order to target all segments of the population. 4insight ensured the survey design was clear and engaging to encourage a high response rate and low dropout.
The survey covered all aspects of their service from drivers, bus station, and timetable to price.
It was primarily fully structured with additional open questions to get an extra level of depth and to give consumers a chance to comment on areas of importance to them.
The results in 2014 served as a benchmark and each year since (Covid years excluded), LibertyBus has been able to track improvements in customer satisfaction, with an incredibly positive Net Promoter Score, year on year.
LibertyBus are also able to gauge reactions to new initiatives that are in consideration by adding in extra questions. The results of the survey are therefore extremely valuable for understanding customers, evaluating aspects of their service, planning future strategy and marketing messages.
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